The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at True North Insight
2014-05-05 The Heavenly Messanger of Illness 48:27
Molly Swan
True North Insight Aging, Sickness and Death

2014-05-05 Guided Metta Meditation 43:43
Jill Davey
True North Insight Aging, Sickness and Death

2014-05-04 The Dukkha of Aging, Sickness and Death 49:41
Norman Feldman
True North Insight Aging, Sickness and Death

2014-05-03 The Heavenly Messangers 41:06
Molly Swan
True North Insight Aging, Sickness and Death

2014-04-30 Enseignement et méditation partiellement guidée 57:45
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-04-23 Manipuler la réalité ou la recevoir avec compassion 34:54
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-04-23 Instructions et méditation guidée, de la manipulation à la réception 29:24
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2014-04-19 Guided Meditation 42:34
Michael Stone
by Michael Stone with focus on the tongue, palette, position of fingers, and subtle physical tricks to open the mind in Vipassana practice. Recorded on silent retreat.
True North Insight Form and Emptiness: The Role of the Body in Deep Meditation

2014-04-19 Love, Death and Oak Trees in The Garden. 51:14
Michael Stone
On silent retreat Michael Stone talks about the Zen koan "Oak Tree in the Garden," as well as the meditation practice as "a politics of love." He describes in detail the Buddha's death.
True North Insight Form and Emptiness: The Role of the Body in Deep Meditation

2014-04-18 Form & Emptiness: The Role of the Body in Meditation Practice. 49:10
Michael Stone
Michael Stone uses the teachings on emptiness to work with the body. He calls sitting "physical practice" and he describes yoga as "psychological practice."
True North Insight Form and Emptiness: The Role of the Body in Deep Meditation

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