The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at True North Insight
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2024-09-11 Y être et y demeurer 1:14:55
Pascal Auclair
Enseignement, pratique guidée, enseignement et pratique guidée à nouveau
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2024-05-05 Closing talk 21:07
Jean Esther
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-04 The power of equanimity in relating to our worldly life 5:16
Jean Esther
This talk points to both the fruit of equanimity as well as its cultivation in meeting the challenges of being human
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-04 Guided compassion practice - with self and other 53:14
Jean Esther
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-04 Morning Instructions: Identifying feeling tones as doorways of release 17:28
Jean Esther
Identifying pleasant/unpleasant/neutral vedanā and their relationship to the five hindrances.
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-03 The five hindrances: doorways to waking up 48:58
Jean Esther
Identifying the five hindrances as the object of our meditation can loosen the grip of self identification with these often unpleasant mental states.
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-03 Guided loving kindness practice for self and/or benefactor 24:58
Jean Esther
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-05-03 Eating Meditation 4:02
Jean Esther
First day of retreat - brief eating meditation instructions
True North Insight Opening to Our Lives with the Heart of the Dharma

2024-04-27 Be ever mindful Mogharaja 50:19
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Guelph Retreat

2024-04-27 Is consciousness mine? 67:16
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Guelph Retreat

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